Mixed Bouquet
Mixed Bouquet
Stunning mix of flowers, and eucalyptus, hand-tied and wrapped. (no vase included with this product)
Free delivery to Winnipeg, Selkirk, Lockport, East Selkirk, Oakbank. Please provide delivery address in 'Shipping' section during checkout. If you would like a card please write the message in the notes section during checkout.
This is a pre-order for delivery on February 14th or 15th, 2025.
Please note: Photos are examples. Exact colours and flowers will vary. If you are looking for a specific type of flowers or colours, please contact.
Contact via email: floraculturemb@gmail.com with any questions!
Thank you for your support!
Regular price
$65.00 CAD
Regular price
Sale price
$65.00 CAD
Unit price